Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ater the treatment ... depues del tratamiento

Querida familia y amigos,
los ultimos dias han sido algo liados.
El tumor de el pulmon parece estar bien. El problema esta con el cerebro.Seis tumores son pequenos y uno es mas grande (unos dos cms ) El Miercoles fui a ver al neuro-cirujano y su opinion era que tuviese cirujia para quitar es tumor. Al final decidi por radiacion y ver que pasa. El jueves tuve la primera sesion de radiacion, dos horas bien intensas. trabajamos en seis tumores que estaban mas cerca, incluyendo al de dos cms. Ayer tuve la segunda ronda para atacar el ultimo tumor, que aunque pequeno, esta en mal lugar (cerebelo). Toda esta radiacion me ha dejado cansado y las pastillas que tengo que tomar me hacen dormir mal. Haremos un seguimiento de los tumores en tres meses ( la radiacion continua trabajando).
Si la cosa no va bien, considerare la cirujia

Dear friends
the last few days have been busy.
The lung tumor seems to behave (good news). The problem is with brain. I have six small tumors  (pea size) and a big one (2cms)
Wednesday I saw the neurosurgeon and he wanted to operate on the big tumor. I decided to do radiation first and  see what happen. The treatment was only two (long) days. Thursday I had a two hour session to deal with six tumors (including the larger one) that were closer together. Yesterday I had the final session, 90 min, to tackle the last tumor. Even though it is smaller, the location was problematic (cerebellum). The treatments left me very tired, and the steroids I am taking do not let me rest at night. In three months we will take a look at how the tumors are doing.
If radiation does not work, I will consider surgery.