There is not much new. The CAT scan did not show anything (one way or the other). They could not compare it with the x-rays. The whole thing was aggravating. We will wait to the next PET scan. That should give some light.
The last few weeks I have been more short of breath. I went to the doctor and she gave me some steroids and antibiotics.I am thinking about taking a trip to Stanford to see a doctor there.
No hay mucho que contar. El CAT scan no monstro nada importante, no pudieron comparar los resultados con los rayos X. Habra que esperar al PET scan.
Me ha costado un poco mas el respirar. Fui al medico y me receto unos antibioticos y esteroides. Estoy pensando en ir a ver a un medico en Stanford. Ya os contare.
Aupa Xabitxu. Mucho ánimo. Aquí estaremos pendientes de tus noticias. Un beso muy muy fuerte.