Querida familia y amigos,
estas dos semanas han sido de mucho ajetreo, sube y baja, muy agotadoras.
Hace un par de semanas fui al hospital con fiebre y me admitieron con neumonia. les costo un poco el limpiar la neumonia, pero al final un coctel de antibioticos logro controlar la fiebre.
El lunes me dieron de baja y ya parecia que podria comenzar el tratamiento del cancer. Desafoutunadamente en el ultimo MRI encontraron unos puntitos de cancer en el cerebro. Asi que ahora el plan es (a) atacar el tumor en el pulmon (ya he tomado dos sesiones) para reducir la posibilidada de otra neumonia.. (b) hacer una radiacion en el cerebro para atacar los puntos que se ven ahi (esto todavia llevara unos dias de prepapracion). (c) cuando acabemos con la radiacion del cerebro empezaremos la chemoterapia (no es aconsejable hacer las dos cosas a al vez)
Fernando esta aqui con nosostros, ayudandonos mucho, organizando y ayudando a Lynnette con mil cosas que necesito hacer : ir al abogado, preparar consultas en Stanford y UCSF, y apoyo moral en general.
Estos son momentos dificiles para todos. Yo estoy reciendo muchos mensajes the apoyo y cada uno que recibo me ayuda cantidad. Muchas gracias.
Intento seguir fuerte, optimista, ante la adversidad. Esta manana le dije al cancer que se fuese al carajo y me levante e hice unas tostadas para Lynnette y para me. Pequenas victorias.
Un abrazo a todos
Dear friends
The last two weeks have been difficult, running around, emotional ups and downs , tiring in general
Two weeks ago I went to the ER with a fever and I was admitted with pneumonia. It took them a while to control it but finally a cocktail of antibiotics did the trick.
On Monday I was discharged and it seemed that we were ready for the treatment to start. Unfortunately, the last MRI revealed a few spots in the brain. So we had to redraw the plan of action. Now I am starting (a) with radiation in the lung (two sessions already) to reduce the size of the tumor and avoid another pneumonia.
(b) we will do full brain radiation, this will take a few days to set up. (c) once the brain radiation is over, I will start the chemo (it is not safe to do both things at once)
My friend Fernando came to stay with us for a few days. He is helping us a lot, organizing staff and helping Lynnette with a myriad of things that need to be taken care of: lawyers, doctor visits to Stanford and UCSF, and moral support in general
These are difficult moments for all of us. I have received many messages of support, and I cherish every single one of them, they give me strength.
I tried to stay strong and optimistic in the face of adversity. This morning I told the cancer to take a hike and got Lynnette and me. Small victories ...
Thanks to all.
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